Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The TRENDS Industry Trend Bible

Trend Bible
'Home is at the heart of everything we do. Because we centre all of our efforts on the home, we develop in-depth insight into how householders engage with technology, food, healthcare products and their environment. How people live and what they use becomes the foundation for our projections of up to five years.
We have a deep understanding of family life, for adults and children, and how the home will have to perform to meet their future needs.
Whilst we look at a broad range of industries to track and monitor innovation, we don't believe it makes much sense to try and forecast trends for everyone. We're experts in our field, and providing this specialist service makes our experience very rich. We dedicate our whole team, all of the time, to scrutinising and understanding the home environment and how this will evolve.'

Home Trends: Autumn Winter 2013/14

'In this post we reflect on past forecasts and share a detailed overview of our Autumn Winter 2013/14 Home and Interior Trends for those of you who work closer to the season. This forecast was published back in 2011, over two years ahead of the season.'


'This story takes inspiration from the natural world living deep beneath the surface of our seas. Focusing on organic, natural constructions, this story explores sub-acquatic plants and creatures, immersed and submerged in a surreal world. Design explores and mimics delicate constructions, microscopic frills, folds entwining roots and tendrils.
This story explores a mix of glossy and opaque surfaces, raw slate and exposed concrete. Folded neoprene, constructed ruffles and chunky knits imitate the complexity found in aquatic plant structures. Submerged embraces a simplified and stripped back print direction, celebrating a new, fresh minimalistic outlook. Examining textures found in dispersing ink, rough powdery coral, ariel views of marshland and waterscapes is important. Gradiated colour and biological contours combined with flowing organic stripes set a new tone for surface pattern.'

I like this neutral colour pallet in contrast to what i am usually interested in; bright colours. . Also the images selected have texture and depth which makes it look more interesting

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